Furniture and products
dino collection
– a big hug around your body – or a light cover around your soul.
The Dino chair
was originally designed for an SE exhibition at Thorvaldsen’s Museum in Copenhagen, and after a huge interest from hotels, restaurants and privates around the world, The Dino Chair got in to production
Dino combines the best of classis Danish furniture design, with contemporary lifestyle based upon excellent materials and sophisticated craftsmanship.
Dino Dining is part several high end interiors around the world – and part of Trapholt Museum furniture collection.
Dino Lounge chair
Dino combines the best of classis Danish furniture design, with contemporary lifestyle based upon excellent materials and sophisticated craftsmanship.
Dino two seater
Dino combines the best of classis Danish furniture design, with contemporary lifestyle based upon excellent materials and sophisticated craftsmanship.
Dino Bar Stool
The latest member of the Dino family
Dino combines the best of classis Danish furniture design, with contemporary lifestyle based upon excellent materials and sophisticated craftsmanship.
Denmark / Shanghai
2012 / 2017 / 2019